It can be frustrating when your hair doesn’t grow, or when you lose so much in a day. At some point, we all suffer from hair loss. Some more than others. What if I were to tell you there is a method to control your hair from falling? It can also restore your hair growth!
Let’s start by understanding Ayurveda; the what’s and how’s. Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest natural medicinal system from India. This traditional Hindu method of medicine focuses on balancing our bodily system by using diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing. Natural energies called Doshas, are made up of five elements: ● Kapha: Water and Earth ● Vata: Air and Space ● Pitta: Fire and Water Every person is said to have a different and unique balance of doshas. Understanding and identifying your unique ratio will assist with ensuring they are balanced. An imbalance of your doshas can result in various types of diseases and illnesses. Hair Loss is said to be caused by an imbalance of pitta dosha. Pitta balances and governs our digestion and metabolism, which in turn controls our general well-being. Stress, poor eating habits and anxiety in combination with imbalance of pitta dosha can result in hair loss. Each hair type has a distinctive feature, thus resulting in multiple reasons for hair loss which vary for each individual. Now that we have a better understand of Ayurveda, and the reasons for hair loss, let’s explore 7 effective Ayurvedic remedies for hair loss and re-growth. 1. Don’t tie the hair too tightly in ponytails and braids. This causes tension at the root of the hair and damages the hair follicle and leads to hair thinning, breakage and falling, especially the hair line. 2. Embrace the greys. Today, we use so many chemicals to create the colour and texture of our hair that is unnatural. Let this be. Chemicals break down the hair down drastically and leads to dryness, dullness and removes proteins and natural lustre of your hair. Let your greys define your grace. Try it, you might love it! 3. Stop tugging, playing and twirling your hair in your fingers. Treat your hair gently, stop tugging and playing with it using your fingers. 4. Using the right tool for your hair. Try a wide tooth comb and comb your hair moving from the bottom upwards, slowly removing tangles along the way. 5. Iron and calcium deficiency can cause hair fall or loss. Try a supplement or herbs in your diet to ensure proper nutrients. 6. Proper Diet, and circulation is very important. Don’t skip meals. Food high in protein, fresh fruits add nutrients to your hair. 7. Yoga can help increase circulation. Here’s a few poses to help with this: Hasta Uttansana to Uttansana Upward Salute to a Forward Fold Shoulder Stand Breathwork - Basrika - 30 rounds of bellow breath Homemade Remedies for Hair Loss Apply Amla Powder (Vitamin C) with lemon juice, make a paste and apply to your hair. This helps with hair loss, and premature hair loss. Aloe Vera works like a conditioner. Fresh Gel from the plant can be applied to your hair weekly. Especially for weak hair, split ends. So simple! Right?
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